Team and project management
On KLASH, a team is a group of users, and a project is where you store your files. When you create a team, you also get an area where the members of the team can create projects, upload, and share files.
Roles and permissions
As a team member, you either have the Admin, Member, Member restricted, or Viewer role. Members of a project will inherit their roles from the members of the team owning the project. For example, a user who has the Member role in a team will have the Member role in all the projects belonging to that team. Learn more about Roles and permissions.
Teams have two things: members and projects. To create a team, you need a Pro, Team, or Enterprise account on KLASH, and the Admin or Owner role.
Create a team by the following steps:
Navigate to the left side menu, and click Create team if you are on the Pro or Team plan. If you are on the Enterprise plan, click on your company name in the left side menu, the Teams tab, and then New Team.
Enter a team name, and click Create.
Click on the team name in the left side menu, and then the Members tab. On the Enterprise plan, you can also add members to teams by clicking on your company name, and then go to Teams and Add members.
Search for the user, team, or invite by email, select the role from the drop-down menu, and click Invite.
A project has a files tab where you can create folders, upload, and organize your files. Besides having a team as the owner of a project, you can also add external users to a project. They are called Guest accounts, and will only have access to the project you invited them to.
Learn how to share projects with other users: Sharing files, folders, and projects.
Create a project within a team by the following steps:
Navigate to the left side menu, and click on a Team.
Click New project.
Enter a project name and click Create.
Inviting members
You can invite other teams and users to a team. It’s also possible to invite external users to a single project through Guest accounts. Project members are managed in the project Members tab, and team members in the team Members tab.
Invite members by the following steps:
Navigate to the left column and click on the team where you want to invite a member or another team. If you want to restrict access to a single project, click on the project where you want to invite the user.
Click on the Members tab and search for a user, team, or invite by email.
Choose a role in the drop-down menu and click on the Invite button.
Note: Removing team and project members will not remove their comments or uploaded files. If a user is the owner of a team or a single project, you first have to transfer ownership before being able to remove the user.
Transferring ownership
You can transfer ownership of your team and project to other members inside the Members tab of the team or project you want to transfer. Transfer ownership by the following steps:
Open the team or project you want to transfer ownership of, click the Members tab, and then the Transfer ownership button right next to the current team or project owner. If you are not the current owner, you must ask the owner to transfer for you.
Choose the user to whom you want to transfer the team or project. The user must be a member of the team or project.
Note: To transfer ownership of a company, you must contact KLASH support. It cannot be done on your own. Contact us.