Teams have two things: Members and Projects. When you create a Team you also get an area where its members can create Projects, upload and share files.
Each Team member has one of these roles:
Viewer - can only look at things and write comments.
Member (restricted) - only allowed to upload files to existing Projects (but not create new Projects). Cannot create Shares.
Member - can use all collaboration features: create Projects, upload files, create Share links, etc.
Admin - a Member with permission to manage Team details (like its name), memberships and roles.
You can read more about Roles and Permissions here.
Projects can be shared with Teams. Team members will inherit their roles in this case, so a User that has the Member role in the Team will have the Member role in the shared Project too.
How to create a team?
To create a Team, go to the Teams tab in your Company Settings. Click “New Team” and fill out all of the details, then click “Create team”.
Hidden teams?
Note: This is an enterprise feature
A Hidden Team behaves just like an ordinary Team, with one exception: it cannot own Projects. Its purpose is to group users together and give them access to other Teams’ resources.
To create a Hidden Team, you create a team as above but before clicking on “Create team” make sure that the Hidden team as been clicked and marked.
Hidden Teams are marked with an crossed-out eye in the Teams list.
Note: You cannot hide or un-hide a Team after it has been created.
Members of a Hidden Team will not see the Team in the sidebar. Any Projects shared with the Hidden Team are available under its members “Shared with me” section.