Asset management
Folders / files
There are some different ways to add folders and files. We have drag and drop where you can just drag a file or folder into your project. You can also click on the new button and add the folders and files you want.
Lastly, we have our home screen where you can add files or folders to a project by either drag and drop or by clicking and adding your files and folders.
Quick search for a file, folder or a projects
In the upper right corner, there is a search bar where you can search on a file, folder, or a project to easier locate what you are looking for.
Detailed Search
To reach the more detailed search function click on ‘Search’ in the left-side bar, under ‘Home’. There you have the opportunity to select which scene, state, and take to include in your search. You can also filter your search to get a more narrow search.
Filtering assets
You can filter your assets by name, size, status, comments, etc as shown int the picture bellow. There is also an opportunity to sort them in alphabetical order.
Right-click on a file, then click on ‘Bookmark’ and select the color you want to market it with. This helps to keep track of your files and to categories them to your liking.
Right-click on a file, then click on ‘Change status’ in order to keep track of where in the process the file is (status). The statuses can be customized by clicking on ‘Settings’ under the project and click on ‘Workflow’. There you can add, remove, and change statuses.
View of assets
You have access to a grid view and a list view on KLASH. You will always start with a grid view and if you click on ‘List view’ to the right. The list view give you a tree like structure where you can see all of your assets. To go back to the grid view you click on the same button but this time labeled ‘Grid view’.
If you don’t want to give access to the whole project you can create a share link that leads directly to a certain file or folder. For instance, you might have a Project that has the name of your TV series and in that Project, you have different folders for different episodes, that different people should have access to.
You can share any folder in the project bin, right-click a folder and click “share”. Read more about it here.
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