Streamlined Workspaces, New Features, and Improved User Experience.

New things you can do:
Workspaces. Collecting your companies and teams in workspaces cleans up the interface. The drop-down menu in the left side panel presents you with your workspaces.
View content protected by watermarking on iOS and Android. A new horizontal mode viewing experience on iOS and Android, that lets you view content protected by dynamic watermarking in horizontal mode in the web app.

Share project directory. Sharing the complete project with external users is as easy as before, but this is now done elsewhere. Navigate to the drop-down menu under the project name in the top navbar.
Downloading files. Downloading single and all files has gotten clearer download buttons. Also, we made it easier to see information about the downloadable formats, codecs, and resolutions.

Project audit logs. The project audit logs have been moved to settings. Gone are the studio logs, but they will be back shortly in the admin view of a new activity feed.
Copy links to comments. Copying links to comments makes it easy to share your comments in applications and on sites outside of KLASH.
Customize the interface for your user. Now you can hide the commenting and drawing panels as a signed-in user, creating a cleaner interface.

Send reviews to email groups. Reviewing is made simple by selecting users from an email group. Custom Statuses on Enterprise allows you to move files through your production stages.

Sync timeline. When in a studio, you can synchronize the playhead in the timeline with team members, or join Share users in a session by accessing the Share link yourself.

Color picker. You can now pick whichever color you like for your drawing tools and also save the colors for later use.

Log in to see the new brand look.
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