Slack integration
With the Slack integration, your Slack workspace is connected to KLASH. You can mention Slack users and channels directly on KLASH, who gets notified on Slack with the comment, a screenshot, a link to the comment, and any timecode included.
Note: The Slack integration is available on the Enterprise plan, and you need to be a Company Admin to enable it. KLASH connects users via email. For a user to be notified on Slack, the user needs to use the same email in both KLASH and Slack.
Getting started
Get started with the Slack integration by the following steps:
Click on your company in the left menu, and then Settings.

Click on integrations.

Click on Slack, and then Connect. You’ll be taken through Slack’s authentication process.

The text Connected indicates that you successfully connected Slack and KLASH.
Sending Slack messages from KLASH
Send a Slack message from KLASH by the following steps:
Navigate to the comment feed in the Studio
Mention a user by typing @.
Mention a Slack channel by typing #. If you don’t see your channel, make sure you are a member of the channel on Slack.

Write your comment, and click Send.
KLASH will send a notification on the platform and by email according to the user’s notification settings.
A Slack message is sent if the following are true:
The user is part of the Slack workspace.
The user has access to the asset, either by being part of the team or project.
The user has the same email on both KLASH and Slack.
Make sure to refresh Slack if new users were recently added. KLASH automatically fetches new data from Slack every hour.