Share files, folders, and projects

There are different ways to share files/folders/projects in the platform. You can share from the project bin or right-click on a specific folder or file and choose share. In the studio, there is a big green share button to the top right.

Link settings

There are various settings for the share link. Many are self-explanatory, but for those seeking further details, we've included descriptions for each below. It's possible to generate distinct links for the same file or folder to provide varying access levels to your team members or stakeholders.

  • Allow comments

    Lets anyone with the link comment on the file.

  • Allow downloads

    Lets anyone with the link download the files/folders.

  • Allow status change

    Let anyone with the link change the status on the file.

  • Allow audio switching

    Allowing viewers to switch between linked audio tracks. If disabled, the player will use the saved audio settings.

  • Send email

    Share the link via email. You can add multiple email addresses and add a personalised message.

  • Password protection

    Add a password to access the file.

  • Two-Factor Authentication

    Add a phone number to make sure that it’s the correct person that accesses the link for additional security.

  • Link availability

    There are three settings that can be used regarding the link availability

    • Activation date: the date when the link becomes available

    • Expire date: the date when the link is no longer available

    • Max views: the set amount of times the link can be viewed

  • Watermarking

    This gives the file a watermarking in order to protect the asset if it gets spred

Copy share link

If you don’t want to send it through email, you can simply copy the share link after you’ve created it.

Questions & Answers

Where can I find all of the shared links that I have created?

In the project bin there is a page called shared links. There are all the created shared links for that project.