To get all of your information about subscription, payment, and invoices go to Home > Subscription. This will take to a page (see picture bellow) that will give you an overview of what your paying for. If you want more details, click on ‘Edit subscription’ and you will get a more detailed version of exactly home much you are paying and fro what.
Payment method
When having a Pro, Team or Enterprise plan you can choose to pay by card or invoice. To get access to your subscription, click Home > Subscription, here you can choose what payment method you would like.
When paying by card you just need to click on ‘Add payment method’ which will give you a pop-up where you can enter your card details and then you’re done.
If you want to pay by an invoice you need to fill out a form. Click on ‘Request to pay by invoice’ and the form will pop up.
Requests to pay by invoice are processed by our billing team. You will be notified once your request has been approved, or if we require any additional information.
VAT number and invoices
Under your selected payment method you can enter a VAT number if you want.
VAT (Value Added Tax) number ensures that you are taxed correctly
Further down, you will find all of your invoices with all the information about them, which you also can download.
Questions and answers
What if i want to use a separate email for billing?
If you want to change the email address you need to contact us.